
POLIWEB2014 is a project carried out by researchers belonging to a consortium of French universities and institutions in the Grenoble area. It’s financed via a grant from this consortium and from the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) aimed at supporting projects at the exploratory stage (PEPS). Its goal is to design computer tools making the exploitation of big digital data possible so as to enable a comparative analysis of the local and national online communication strategies implemented by the major French and British political parties in the run-up to the elections to the European parliament of May 2014. It will also endeavour to outline the limits from a legal perspective of the gathering and archiving of such data as well as of its use for academic purposes.

The members of the team work in the fields of British civilisation, computer sciences and law and belong respectively to the following laboratories: CEMRA (Centre for the Study of the Representation of the English-speaking World), LIG (Informatics Laboratory of Grenoble) and PACTE (Public Policies, Political Action, Territories).